Best Tips for Shooting Better Videos

Start your video marketing campaign off with a bang by visualizing your target audience. Avoid the trap of creating videos base on your whims or fancies. Your viewers ultimately decide what they most want to see. Build your campaign around a series of keywords relevant to the needs of your target market. Stay on topic or risk straying off course. Raise your energy levels to speak a powerful, inspiring message for your desired audience.

Tips for Shooting Better Videos

Stay on Topic

Take the time to create videos on topic to attract your target audience. Do not bother creating content if you are not using SEO or staying on topic. Speaking a consistent, persistent message for your viewers programs individuals to respond to your clear message. Imagine visiting a doctor’s office only to receive law advice instead of a medical diagnosis. Stay on topic. Avoid straying off course and confusing your audience.

Energize Yourself

Energize yourself before creating videos to connect with your target audience. Exercise for a few minutes to increase your blood flow and add power to your marketing message. Drone, boring videos do little to inspire your viewers. Create memorable content by making your presentation from a high energy space. Do a few pushups, sit ups or jumping jacks to jack yourself up. Have you ever noticed how the most engaging video marketers grab your focus? These individuals became masters at raising their level of vibration to transmit an overpowering, inspiring, attention-grabbing video message.

You might take a 10 minute walk or jog around your neighborhood to connect effectively with your audience. Do whatever it takes to raise your energy and speak a powerful, convincing message to your viewers.

Maintain Consistent Eye Contact with the Camera

Struggling video marketers usually make little eye contact with the camera. Looking away is a sign of an unconfident, scared marketer. Practice looking directly into the camera during your presentation to form an intimate bond with your target audience. Staring into the camera helps your viewers to know, like and trust you because maintaining eye contact with your audience signals your supreme confidence. Staring to the side or avoiding eye contact demonstrates a severe lack of confidence. Self conscious, nervous video marketers repel viewers. Your channel subscribers want a confident, assured leader to inspire them. Be that leader by maintaining consistent eye contact with the camera. Make sure to blink once in a while to prove you are not a robot.

Use Keywords to Drill Down Your Target Market

Post niche specific keywords in your video title and description field to find targeted viewers. Begin your video creation campaign with the end in mind. See your ideal customer or viewer to connect with these individuals. Think about the search terms these people might type into Google to find what they want. Build your videos around these keywords or key phrases to attract targeted viewers to your video channel. Optimize your SEO by mentioning the keyword at least once in your video.

Kelli Cooper is a freelance write who has blogged about all things video, from choosing replication media services to how to make a corporate video.

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